Wednesday, June 11, 2008

100TH POST!!!!!!

I'm honored to be the author of this splendiverous, monumenterous post. True: cockpit lockbox is hooked on The Office. False: He is not Dwight Schrute. Sorry, had to get that in, and I wasn't aware we were dropping first names. So how many white people have to try dunking a basketball before they realize it is a bad idea? Apparently, too many. These videos were found back to back on the main page of break.

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So not only does he ding up his daddy's bumper, but he misses the dunk, breaks the hoop, and injures himself. Nice one dude.

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1 comment:

Cockpit Lockbox said...

Hey smart guy, nobody knew whose first names those were until you just told them in this post. You moron.