Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Is there anything worse than a sore loser? Yes, a deadbeat senator with a motive, who doesn't know the facts. For those who do not know, Specter is an eagles fan. When word broke during super bowl week this past season (thanks Boston Herald, apology here) that the Patriots had video taped a St. Louis Rams walk through (thanks Matt Walsh, douchbag here), Specter figured it must be the reason the Eagles lost in the Super Bowl 3 years ago, even though Matt Walsh wasn't with the team during that Super Bowl. What transpired was a series of events that basically proves everyone is drinking hatorade. News outlets began publishing the story as fact, when in reality, it was the actions of a money grubbing golf pro from Hawaii fabricating the truth to not only make a name for himself, but in my opinion, to extort money out of the Patriots. Well, it was recently determined that no tape exists of any walk through, Matt Walsh had nothing. Every tape he handed over to the NFL were the same tapes that Belichick gave the league in week one. So lets get this straight, the Patriots owned up to everything, yet there is no forgiveness. Have you heard any remarks about Andy Pettitte recently, no, that's because he fessed up, and people forgave him(Roger...). Instead, Specter is still not happy, and demands (and will probably get) an independent investigation (a la the Mitchell Report). He claims there to be bias in the recent investigation, yet we at LT fail to see how his own original investigation did not contain bias, being a self proclaimed Eagles fan himself. And then, Arlen puts his foot in his mouth by blatantly demonstrating his lack of knowledge for the rules of the game. Specter makes the point that the Patriots had a season ticket holder viewing signals of the coaches while in the stands. Hey Arlen, that is perfectly legal in the NFL. The only rule the patriots broke was having a camera on the field during the game, that's it. They say bad things are always happening to good people, but this time God god got it right, after all, Arlen Specter does have cancer.

Here is the video of Specters press conference (if you have any energy left.)

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