Saturday, May 10, 2008


Roger doesn't look so bad after reading this story. To sum it up, Karl Malone fathered a child with a 13 year girl. And this is when he was a sophomore in college. 13 years old Karl? Might as well go to 12 at that point. I wonder if she had a good time at forestry camp that year. "Karl said it was only tree sap." Whoops!
Gloria Bell, reportedly was only 13 years old and Malone a college sophomore at Louisiana Tech when Demetrius was born. Malone might have served jail time had her family asked the district attorney to file criminal charges.

Bell didn’t even know Malone was his father until after graduating from high school. When they finally met, Malone told the 18-year-old Bell it was too late to be his father, and that Bell would have to “earn his money on his own.”

In a 1998 story in the Salt Lake (Utah) Tribune, Gloria Bell said, “Demetrius is ashamed that his dad doesn’t claim him. But I’ve told him it is not his fault.”

Malone also fathered twins while in high school. One of them is WNBA star Cheryl Ford. It took years to claim the twins, and now he and his wife, Kay, fully accept them as part of their family.

Here's the full story from the Buffalo News.

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