Sunday, March 23, 2008


Well, this is ridiculous. If you haven't seen this video apparently it's South Korean boys rooting on their soccer team. But, it's what they do with their clothes which makes it something. They have jackets with one color on the front and one color on the back. Then, they unzip their jackets to use their shirt as a third color. Some schools even use their pants to create shading. Ridiculous.

1 comment:

Cockpit Lockbox said...

I saw this kind of thing at Champlin's Seafood once. They had all of their employees wearing Champlin's polo shirts, tees, hoodies...they even let the illegals participate. And instead of forming images based upon color differentiation, they formed images based upon having the employees with at least a fifth-grade education raising their hands all at once. So basically, two people stood out.