I know what you mean. Mine was no barrel of monkeys either.

From last weekend's Woofstock festival in Toronto.
The umpire who was hit during a championship baseball game in Stephens County is cautiously reacting to the incident. David Scott told Channel Two Action News, "It came as a surprise, disbelief more than anything. I'd say the video pretty much speaks for itself. Other than that, I really don't have anything to say about it. I'm currently under a doctor's care and still waiting for all the results to be evaluated."
Scott's attorney says they're waiting for that medical evaluation to determine if they will take any legal action.
Earlier this week, the Georgia High School Association levied a $1,000 fine against the Stephens County high school and put the school's athletics program on severe warning status.
Stephens County Principal David Friend called the punishment "fair" and said he was very disappointed in his players’ behavior in the championship game.
The catcher in the incident, Matt Hill, had been invited to walk on for the Gordon College baseball team. The coach of that team has since rescinded the offer.