Celtics win their 17th championship, and what do they do? Go immediately to Vegas to celebrate, like any reasonable person. Night on the town. They root on Celtics fan Manny Pacquiano to a beat down of David Diaz in their lightweight championship bout. And, they also spread their winning ways... all the way to the pole-dancing competition? What? Yes, the Celtics went to the club, the strip-club and spread the love(note:not semen, but winning love) helping Boston slut Danielle Rueda-Watts take home the banner of Pole-a-Palooza at the Bellagio.
“The fact that the Celtics were in the house - the DJ brought up the fact that they were there a couple of times and everyone cheered - contributed to her victory,” said our spy on the scene. “Because when they said, ‘Let’s hear it for Danielle from Boston,’ all the guys cheered and pumped their fists.”
Danielle, 26, reports she’s not a professional exotic dancer, although she does have a pole in her house.She studied aerial acrobatics in Canada and moved to Vegas for a role in Cirque de Soleil’s “Zumanity.”
“I’m not really a pole dancer, just an acrobat who’s sexy,” she told our spywitness.
The Mass. College of Art grad said she’s also not a big sports fan, but thought it was “pretty cool” that the Celts were in da house rooting her on to her “Pole-a-palooza” victory.
Really putting that degree to work, huh Danielle? Don't worry about it, no one will find out about this. It is Vegas, right?
Here's some video of the Celtics with Manny after his fight. A couple of winners here. Ahhhh....
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